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Purple  Andara Pendant infused with the energies of St Germain and the violet ray
This is a large faceted piece.  Faceted stones bounce light off them to provide healing light photons, or light information packages, into you and your environment.
Includes authenticity card.  We have spent years finding a master cutter to cut our stones for us.
They are done with mathematical perfection and have factets to bounce the light in all directions
This ensures you have healing light not just for you but to clear your environment.

The stone gave me an image to pass to you.  They say take a big deep breath to clear and ground.  What if you are in a room full of negativity and stress?  Do you want a big breath of that?  You need to create almost your own micro climate. 

I sit with each crystal as a divine doorway to Spirit and consciousness connection to mankind
for those that allow it to be. I ask to whom to dedicate the stone and the vibration I am feeling to
This piece was immediately claimed into existence by the Ascended Master St. Germain

This is not just a crystal, but a spiritual experience.  Just read the reviews.  My job is to help St, Germain to have a portal and vortex directly to you... not through me, not through another you pay.. but through you for you with you .. .anytime you need it. Direct Healing. Direct Knowledge

St. Germain is a highly mystical and mysterious man. He is the ruler of the Age of Aquarius which is the astrological phase we are now living in. This is a time where all of the groundwork has been laid, and we can now live out our highest vibrations! The New Earth is upon us, and St. Germain has been working his magic from behind the scenes to help nudge us through this Golden Age. Nicknamed “The Wonderman,” he is now the ascended master of the seventh ray, which is the violet ray of freedom. He is the quintessential freedom fighter, sometimes called the “God of Freedom.” 

St Germain Andara allows you to see through the pain and allow yourself to transmute it.  Nothing can stop pain in the world for it is the opposing scale of joy.  To get rid of pain you must get rid of joy.  You suffer when you cannot control the pain.  St Germain Andara helps you to spiritual transform the pain into a lesson so you can let go of the pain and move forward.  Like amethyst, it helps you to stop self sabotaging and ending bad habits that are happening over and over again, just with different players.  Allows you to find your voice again and gain your freedom by speaking your truth and reaching for what you were born to do.
Clears all levels of the aura and all chakras.  Never needs clearing or charging as it stands in the light of a true ascended master.  

I thank you for working with St Germain
The world needs you more than ever and I am honoured to have
made this for the custodian of the light  soul of this ascended master
that will now be called to it

Andara Pendant, Purple in Silver Attuned To St Germain, Violet Flame

SKU: 1018
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